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Refund & Return


Our focus is complete customer satisfaction. In the event, if you are displeased with the services provided, we will refund back the money, provided the reasons are genuine and proved after investigation. Please read the fine prints of each deal before buying it, it provides all the details about the services or the product you purchase. In case of dissatisfaction from our services, clients have the liberty to cancel their projects and request a refund from us. Our Policy for the cancellation and refund will be as follows:


For Cancellations please contact the us via the email address provided i.e.

The item once delivered cannot be returned under any circumstances.

When refund is possible? The following circumstances under which refund is possible:


  • Criteria 1Cake Damaged During Transit

    • 100% refund is issued if the recipient cake was damaged during transit and the recipient brings it to the notice to Honey & Dough and making sure that steps mentioned below are followed.

    • Notify delivery team immediately upon delivery.

    • Alternatively, the customer can inform Honey & Dough through telephone within 3 hours of delivery. However, no complaints will be entertained thereafter.

    • The customer should return the cake to our team in the exact condition in which it was delivered so that we can assess how to improve our delivery in future.

    • The customer should also send a mail to our grievance cell at in stating the damage to the cake, His order ID and other details that can help us investigate the matter to its logical conclusion.

  • Criteria 2: Non-availability of Cake:

    • A customer is entitled to 100% refund if the ordered cake is not available at that particular moment due to shortage of supplies or resources and cannot be fulfilled within the specified time. But the customer will be informed first before cancelling and refund. We will try our level best to intimate the customer well before time about the cancellation so that he can have his contingency plans ready.

  • Criteria 3: Delivery destination is out of our coverage

    • ​A delivery location can become inaccessible due to many reasons like rain, bandhs, traffic jams, damage to delivery vehicles, accident, impounding of delivery vehicle by authorities, or personnel not reporting for duty etc. In these cases when Honey & Dough is not able to service that location, the customer will be entitled to 100% refunds.


Refund will be done within seven days if one of the above mentioned criteria is met. As soon as the refund has been successfully processed, you will receive a refund notification in your email. The refund will be made to the account through which the order has been placed. Refund will not be entertained under below circumstances:

  1. Wrong Receiver’s Name or Address provided by Sender.

  2. The place of delivery is Locked/Not Available.

  3. The Residence/Office is shifted to new location.

  4. Receiver refuses to accept the product.

  5. No responses from concerned receiver after 2 attempts (In case of Midnight Deliveries, if door is not opened or mobile unanswered after 2 attempts).

  6. Wrong product is selected by sender/user.

  7. Wrong date of delivery is provided by the sender/user.

  8. False credential or information provided by user.






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